Our Approach
As citizens who drive automobiles, pay more taxes than we care to think about and ride bicycles, our goal is to assist area leadership in implementing more, better, safer places for bicycles in SeTx.
We are not looking to “take over” or make unreasonable demands.
We are looking to change the way area managers think about bicycles as part of the transportation system.
Road surfaces only last 7-10 years. By our estimation, once the mindset of “including bicycles” engages, our entire area can be transformed within a decade for an additional 1c per dollar spent on road surface maintenance.
The most effective techniques calm the entire roadway, while making it possible for motorists to safely pass bicyclists. The end result is safer, more peaceful roadways.
Our Story
We are bicyclists. We pay taxes & drive automobiles. We are human beings. We grew up in homes where manners were emphasized. The Golden Rule. We have been brutalized by motorists. Friends and associates have been injured or killed by motorists “on our watch.” Time has come to take action.
Meet the Team
Eric Bender, A.K.A. Chief
Eric Bender in the bicycle industry since 1977. Chief Instigator & Founding Member of Southeast Texas Hike & Bike Coalition in 2003. Proprietor at BicycleSports.com. Lifelong Cyclist.
Tom Thompson
Founding Member (deceased). Pictured September 2003 at one of the original Rail Trail Meetings. (Picture taken in Winnie, Tx with Matthew Bender, Eric Bender and Neil Hanson)
Shelby O’Brien
Front Line Member. Fellow Instigator. Recorder of Rides & Routes.
Sheri Baden
Nationally Recognized Kindergarten Teacher of the Year 2004