It’s All About the Stripes
How expensive is accommodating Bicycles as part of the Transportation System? The actual cost is only about 1% more for a safer roadway. About the price of one minor bicycle / motor vehicle crash.
Considering Road Surfaces only last seven to ten years, a whole community can be transformed in a decade.
What are the benefits? Safer, Calmer Roadways. A more livable community. A more active, fit, vibrant population. Better Air Quality. The list goes on…
Bicycles on Roadway, as demonstrated by this image, is the newest way of stating a Fact – Clearly – .
Motorists, let there be no doubt, bicycles are part of the modern transportation system. Yield to Bicycles on Roadway.
Sharrows are used on Shared Use Roadways. Sharrows are an international symbol applied to a road surface to:
- Alert motorists that Bicycles my be present on Roadway
- Indicate which direction a bicyclist should ride
- Educate motorists that Bicyclists are part of the Transportation System
Sharrow being installed on Magnolia in Beaumont, Texas
Shared Use Roadways
Bike Lanes Versus Shared Use Roadways. The difference between a road with Bike Lanes and a Shared Use Roadway is vast.
- On a Shared use Roadway, Motorists may use the full width of the lane when Bicyclists are not present. By doing so, they naturally “sweep” the debris that would normally accumulate in a Bike Lane to the curb.
- The roadway stays cleaner.
- S U L’s are less expensive to maintain.
- No Stripe saves money
- No Stripe eliminates the psychological tendency of turf disputes
- Sharrows act as a visual Speed Bump; therefor:
- Sharrows calm traffic
- Existing Roadways can be converted to S U L’s by making the inside lane narrower.
- Narrow Lanes naturally calm traffic as well.
Houston Police Cruiser
A Vehicle of Authority “wrapped” with Icons demonstrating State Safe Passing Laws for Private & Commercial Vehicles. We need these to educate in SeTx !
Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the US, is doing the work for us. All the research and development is laid out for us to see, and emulate. They want a better Houston. A more bicycle friendly Houston. Shouldn’t we want the same for SeTx?!
Same Roads, Rules, Rights
According to Texas State Law, Bicycles are Vehicles and are protected users of the Roadway. There are also Special Laws just for bicycles.
Vulnerable Road User Protection Ordinance Summary
Every Houston Police Department (HPD) Patrol Officer was issued one of these cards and was briefed on its content and implications. This side of the card reads:
Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Ordinance/Safe Passing 1. Fail to vacate a lane, or pass a vulnerable road user at a safe distance. (CC 1612) 2. Maneuver vehicle to intimidate or harass or threaten a VRU. (CC 1613) 3. Throw an object at a VRU. (CC 1614) 4. Overturn and take right in front of VRU. (CC 1616) Minimum safe passing distance:- 3 Feet – Passenger car or light truck
- 6 Feet – Commercial Vehicle (other than a light truck)
Vulnerable Road Users or VRU’s
Vulnerable Road Users, or VRU’s are users that have less protection, and are at more risk in traffic. These include pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists. Children, the elderly, and disabled people are considered especially vulnerable groups of people, since they have physical disadvantages compared to an average road user. (
Bicycle Violations
This is the back side of the card issued to every HPD Patrol Officer:
Bicycle Violations:- Run a stop sign – bicycle (RD 9)
- ran a red light – bicycle (RD 37)
- No headlight at night – bicycle (RD 448)
- No rear reflector at night – bicycle (RD449)
- No break on bicycle. (RD 446)
- Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk in a business district (CC 1452)
- Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk we are prohibited by sign (CC 1453)
- Failed to yield right of way emerging from driveway, Ali, building, Private Road, while operating a bicycle. (RD 785)
- Operating a bicycle while clinging to a motor vehicle. (RD 443)
- Operating a bicycle on the wrong side of the street. (RD 445)
- Carrying more passengers then a bicycle is equipped to Kerry. (RD 442)
- Improperly riding on a bicycle. (RD 440)
- Failure to operate a bicycle as near as practical pull to the right curb (RD 444)
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